Easter Cards and Mothers Day Cards This class is similar to the Holiday Card Class. You tell me what you need and I assemble your kit: Example: you want 5 of card#1 and 3 of card #2 and thats it! or 2 of each card ETC! Just email me and I complete the kit you show up and create away! Class is Sunday April 10th 9:30am More cards to come (read below) email me at deneary@gmail.com to order your kit Also let me know if you want your stamped images pre stamped and pre-colored Card #1 Work for Jelly Beans Card #2 Easel Card Card #2 open pic Card #3 Mothers Day Card Shutter version Card #5 Done in the last class we will be doing this one in Pink and Blue for those that requested it for their mom's (If ordering please let me know color choice) Card #6 Mothers Day flower card Perfect Plum -Simple and sweet