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Showing posts from 2014

Travel book

Fun Travel book Simple and sweet so the pictures really shine through Cover Pages 1 and 2 Pages 3 and 4 Pages 5 and 6 Pages 7 and 8 Pages 9 and 10 Pages 11 and 12 Pages 13 and 14 Pages 15 and 16 Pages 17 and 18 Pages 19 and 20 Pages 21 and 22 Back of book

December card class

Winter sparkles card class Lots of fun cards for the holidays or thank you's 10 cards for $35 Card #1 Silver and Gray sparkles Card # 2 - Shinning Star Card # 3 - Stripes and Sparkles Card # 4 - Joyful Christmas Card # 5 - Snowflake Flip Card # 6 - Christmas Holly Card # 7 - Simple Snowman Card # 8 - Hidden surprise Inside of card # 8 Card # 9 - Star wreath Card # 10 - OLAF! Card #10 - Church option Class treat box

Journey of a Lifetime - Wedding album

Saw this paper and thought its a must have for an album. Very appropriate for a wedding or Anniversary. Kept it simple with Blacks and cream to let the pictures pop. Cover Pages 1 and 2 Pages 3 and 4 Pages 5 and 6 Pages 7 and 8 Pages 9 and 10 Pages 11 and 12 Pages 13 and 14 Pages 15 and 16 Pages 17 and 18 Back cover

Rocket Ship Book

Another fun book I did a while back. Its a Rocket Shaped book Full of fun and wonder. Its such a neat set. I still have one of these kits using the shape book. The paper is by October Afternoon and I fell in love with it after they discontinued it. Story of my life... So in order to make this book happen I found a company online in Europe and ordered a ton of it for books. They had the shape book for sale as well so I grabbed as much as I could of that and then just paper, stickers, chipboard.. In the new year I plan to make the standard book out of this paper .   Cover Pages 1 and 2 Pages 3 and 4 Pages 5 and 6 Pages 7 and 8 Pages 9 and 10 Back cover

Elf Christmas Album

Last year I bought a bunch of Christmas papers and I created a couple of books  but of course I didn't complete them nor get them in the store to sell. For some reason the holidays get to busy??? Wonder whats up with that. My goal is for this year to get the kits completed . With the huge office move I have a nice shelving unit right next to my work desk that houses the kits available and I am finding with the new space I can actually work on the albums - no more out of sight out of mind for these kits. Now to create more time in a day. This is the Elf book I created - One of my favorites because its just so happy. Paper is Bo Bunny *There are 5 of these books left* Cover - A huge candy cane is always the way to start a story! Pages 1 and 2 (page 2 is acetate) Remember with acetate you will see through to the surrounding pages. Pages 3 and 4 (page 3 is acetate) Pages 5 and 6 Pages 7 and 8 Pages 9 and 10 (page 10 ...