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Showing posts from June, 2013

June Card Class

June 1st at 9:15  Located at Parker Hobby Lobby  10 fun cards for $35 Card #1 Get Well butterflies Card # 2 Joy Fold Card Card #3 Birthday Gift Bag Card #4 Bottle Cap Thanks Card #5 Blooming Happy Card #6 Elephant Wishes Card # 7 Flowers for You Card # 8 Cupcake Surprise Surprise! Card # 9 Sail Away Card # 10 Cupcake fun June Treat Box with a band.

Teacher Gifts - End of the year 2013

Teacher Gifts! It always gets here quicker then I think it will.  I even planned this year better and it was still a quick finish project! So the gift this round came about by the fruity Via pouches I saw at Walmart when I was shopping. I thought wouldn't it be a nice treat to get a fruity drink and cup with their gift card this year since a couple of the assistants are not into coffee and I was racking my brain as to what other gift card to get them.  I even inquired if that drink was available at Starbucks when I got all 14 of the gift cards. Yep it is... So here is this gift process and it was by far the most spendy one yet! I got the cups and went by looks rather then size (1/2 were larger and 1/2 were small) so it was a trip back to Walmart to exchange the larger cups that were 24 oz to the 16 oz size. I read the instructions on the Via pouches and you add them to 16 oz of water. Silly me I could have saved that trip had I read the box at the store... I...