It was a long year or more process of changing over my wood mounted stamps to clear mount. I finished Friday morning while Miranda slept in a bit. I couldn't run the vacuum while she slept of course since I wanted her to get her rest on her 1st day of Fall Break. She woke up as I was putting away the last of the stamp cases on the shelf. I am so excited that it is all done. I know some say what took so long and why not just set a weekend aside and complete it but I tried to be good and just order 4-5 sets of cases per SU order and in doing that it took a lot longer for me to complete but at the same time I didn't get burned out on it either. I got to pick sets each time I had cases to unmount and doing 10-30 at a time was a lot better then doing the whole 158 at once. I think that might have made me quit stamping:). Well all I can say is its a huge project I'm glad Its done and I'm glad I did it slowly so I can really see the progress and enjoy it each step of the...