Another area in the office is today's blog post.
Not to many more of these to share - Only so much office!
Not to many more of these to share - Only so much office!
Got this area cleaned up a bit and took a picture really quick since I will be getting
ready for class soon and it will be a mess once more:).
ready for class soon and it will be a mess once more:).
So the ribbon storage shelves are the ones I got at the last house from IKEA.
They were a little cream'ish so I actually added some white trim paint to them before putting
them on the wall. They hold ribbon nicely and keep everything very neat.
them on the wall. They hold ribbon nicely and keep everything very neat.
Probably still need a couple more but I can barely reach the top one so that's a challenge
for another day - Probably should purge some of this - again another day.
for another day - Probably should purge some of this - again another day.
The cabinet matches the ones we have in the family room as well as the granite top.
Original plans were to have it by the wall but that went out the door when I couldn't get
Original plans were to have it by the wall but that went out the door when I couldn't get
the machine in the right space for cutting books. So it had to move over a bit. The empty looking
area to the right isn't empty it holds the chipboard I get from packaging - use it for mailing
and other things that do not require acid free chipboard. Some is acid free its just not marked.
Better safe then sorry.
The drawers hold some smaller dies for the AccuCut machine and a few odds and ends.
Those are still in progress for what I really want there.
The cupboards right now hold all my paper pumpkins, kits and mics large items
and the shelf in there holds the acid free chipboard as well as some book strength acetate.
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